One summer 3am morning my life would change forever.
Like days without darkness.
A shadow to mingle with mine.
On Hertel avenue about 1/4 mile from Niagara street I walked alone.
After a divorce I never wanted, and the broken heart of a Father that loved his 2 children to the moon, to the sun and back.
Two children I would no longer hear screaming Daddy's home...Daddy's home any longer.
I scraped up strength some days to live, just to feel human again I would venture out after a long day of concrete.
Until that one 3am summer morning...
As I walked home, I noticed half a block away, coming in my direction, 3 young women.
I thought nothing of it and just kept walking towards them.
Humble with a side of insecurity fresh from my divorce still weighing upon me, I didn't even raise my head up to look at the women as we passed one another...I didn't even say hi.
Not even looking back I continued my travels home until I heard, " hey you, come back here" !
Unsure, I shyly began walking back to the 3 women as they did the same.
Once within arms distance one young woman said, "she thinks that you're hot" as she pointed to the young attractive brunette named appropriately enough, Dawn, as we stood in front of one another on the cusp of dawn.
I stuttered, thrown off guard yet I managed to mutter out loud, "oh really" with a great big half moon smile on my face.
Which is when the attractive young brunette bashfully replied, "Yes, yes I do" !
She reached into her tiny black ecliptic shaped purse and pulled out what looked like a tube of lipstick and torn piece of paper.
That young attractive brunette began writing on that piece of torn paper with that lipstick as I stood there awkwardly in silence.
She reached out to me and handed me the torn piece of paper with her telephone number on it accompanied by her name, Dawn, written in a red rose shade of red.
She smiled as bright as the sun peeking out from behind the moon as she looked at me and said, "call me sometime, I will be waiting".
Clumsily once more I fumbled my words and replied " sure I will...
errrrrr I mean, I will for sure" !
And just like that the chance encounter was over.
The 3 young women began walking away from me and once again I continued my walk home.
And after that chance encounter, I understood what love really was .....
I married that young attractive brunette woman named Dawn.
My love for her has eclipsed any love I have ever known or will ever know.
Like the moon enveloping the sun during a solar eclipse, Dawn's love has enveloped my heart.
The only difference, this total eclipse lasts forever.
'Yours and everyone's concrete poet'