I'm a pagan that's more Christ-like than Christians I'm an anarchist that's more patriotic than patriots While these fools idolize empty symbols of ideology I'm the optimist wanting to work with my community to make a better society **** right I'm inept I'm raised by boomer tech you got a life and are outta debt Your kids fell in the trap you set later in life You're happy with a home and a wife I'm renting to stay transient in case my boss decides my career is worthless Romantic and hopeless I'll fall for a podcast host just by hearing her voice and the truth she tells The Right thinks we'll all flee to their side once we start making these bucks where you can leave managing a wally world for oil wells Well I made it bud Got the prestige but no full pockets or pensions to speak of The older folks got enough crass to complain 'bout their pay cuts and theirs alone We'll never see piles so grand Got the inflation calculator app to proselytize about this scam But those ears can't hear unless it happens to them