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Aug 2020
If I had to describe attachment in one sentence. I’d call it “a car crash in slow motion”. You can’t control it, you can’t stop it, it creeps up on you until it’s too late to pump the brakes, you know it’s coming and it’s going to ******* hurt. And if it doesn’t **** you, you are gonna wish it did.
Now. You need to prepare yourself for the most horrible heartache you have ever felt. You are gonna miss them like ******* crazy. Getting over it might take up to 1 year. 6 months if you’re lucky.
Now, Are you ready for the next “hi” and “goodbye”?.
~ A.S 15.05.20 ~
15 May 2020
Written by
Alexa  22/Gender Fluid/Sverige
(22/Gender Fluid/Sverige)   
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