My boyfriend is my lap top computer Yes he exists Yes I have met him I have met him time and time again touched his face, tasted his sweet lips, and heard him humming me to sleep I have done all of that and I have had him ripped away across rivers and mountains and state lines State lines carved in our hearts deep as French, German trenches and as wide as that song they keep playing on my Pandora and I would walk five hundred miles...
So My boyfriend is my laptop. When I cannot see his face there are his photos and a few youtube videos. When I cannot hear his voice, skype sends itself to me. And when I long to hold his hand, I can push up to my laptop and feel the whirring warmth of a hot hard drive.
Is it the same as his chin on my shoulder? How he's shorter than I am but he still rests there with a little difficulty and so much love. Can I feel a laptop breathing softly on the back of my neck at night? Can a laptop stop my nightmares? Surf the roaring waves of behavioral disorders? Or even really hold my hand? No. It is not substitute. So I will wait. I will wait for my love just until I have the time to last up my shoes *I would walk 500 miles...