.it was just fine and dandy with flaubert and knausgaard and kundera and the continental novel... another matter "concerning" dickens and the pickwick papers... "it's complicated"... well... outside of the novel... sure... the shovel... and a zukofsky... an ezra pound... perhaps not the sort of flare of a t.s. eliot... ever, the riddle of poetry is the riddle: from top to bottom... never from bottom up... what a mad idea to begin like some john "rimbaud" rambo in... missing teeth crossword punisher "puzzles"... the art of seagulls and pigeons... airy fairy... double-dairy... ***** from on-high... with a hiccup and a... 'igh... settled affairs... why else bother... come! our last drink! and let us praise sunrise! with good intentions for hierarchy, guilt and conscientiousness! let's pretend to wake up and find ourselves being needed... like heart-surgeous... bus-drivers... beside these hellish confines of sickly-sweet vanity projects! let's wake up as necessary as veins! and water! bus-drivers! let's wake up as gravity! so necessary! not this... grand mangum bogus opus of: zee art... this... waste of time; let's!
come the beatbox with words... i.e. these days all i hear is glutton ping-pong... i want to transverse something of a river of a sentence: w (↓) (↷) (↺) (↓) n i (←) (→) d i n (↓) g ("exit")
yes: a complete minefield: no mines... but all the over-complications of a "busy" mind...
Poland and... traffic signs... almost all of Europe and... traffic signs... Germany for the views...
left to right... beatbox with meanings like... boPS... and threaTS with prefix jargo' 'n pre- pops and pulling twigs on rhodes... of prose: the castle of novel and paragraph... interludes in dialogue... and the river the sentence and nothing at all concerning shrapnel...
i can have on offer... the niqqud with a "revision"... they (vowels) might as well be in braille if they're to be "studied"...
hmm... נקקד
i.e. -un / ⠊ / -ud / -ud / ⠥ / -alet
n- / чirek / q- / q- / шurek / d-
the grand Ч vs. Х chOhc loaded... a loch lommond; cheap beer... words to write when listening to music - any music...
it's not a complication to make fool or master... a Llama... esp. not... a tier 6 complication category... those 7 years in Tibet... like no new and... the lost old.