The skeletons I buried out back with a rusty shovel claw each other to climb out of the earth; left there from days gone past they fight to live again.
The dwarfed squat bones of whims that died in conception climb the bigger ones- the ones that walked in the light and those climb those bigger still, and in the center...
an imposing mass, lies the biggest of them all. the only one too big to move, fed by shame and loved too long; it was a giant at it’s death, and has nothing he can climb. His hand’s outstretched to grasp for life and finds only the soft brown dirt that keeps him in the ground. All the other little fears climb up him, as their ladder to blue skies.
But I slew my monsters long ago their souls no longer rise. All that’s left is memories, to haunt my weary eyes as they climb upon their ladder to blue skies.