Another dog, another poem what shall I say? I wrote of Scout, my second Airedale who lived To the ripe old age of 15 2/3. He started waking and wandering all night, Not a happy state for such a great dog So I decided the time had come for him to be put to rest; Not an easy decision certainly. Ten days later I received an email from a friend About two Airedales who were taken back to the ******* At almost 7 months, a pair of puppies, a male and a female, Whose owners decided ?? they were too much to handle. I contacted the ******* who said they had reclaimed the male. I explained that my husband only wanted a male and I had just Parted with my dear Scout. She said "I'll send a picture." I knew I had to go see this dog so I did. Needless to say, I took a look And watched the *******'s teenage son call the dog and rub her belly "Well" the people asked, "what do you think?" "I will take her" I said. Off we started in a huge rainstorm with Daisy in the backseat, Standing, sliding onto the floor. I gave my neighbor a call and asked if she could Spare some dog food. Of course she said "yes" Almost as excited as I was about this new puppy. She came out to the car with food and treats Crawling in the back seat to meet Daisy. "By the way, Daisy threw up all over the floor."