She floated in by accident appeared a gentle creature until she revealed her true nature. I held her hand when the doc said it's cancer. "You are such a good friend" she said. I visited her prone in her bendable bed when the doc said "I think we got it all." "I can't believe you came." she said. The lonliness and fear evident. Those wings Those spots Those ample curving lines camouflage for her sinister plan. I thought I was protecting her when I allowed her into my heart into my home. She moved in when she abandoned her children because she hated her life. I thought I was a refuge. Only later did I discover that I was a target. She didn't want me to nurture her back to health to return to her own family. She wanted to replace me in mine. She wanted what she couldn't have. She defines Betrayal. She defines Corrupt. She is the reason for Hearts of Darkness.
This is what happens when you open yourself to friendship with a twisted and sick person. They try to destroy your life....and my mistake was to bend over backwards for her and allow it to happen. Lesson learned the hardest way. Funny thing is she got mad at me when I confided in her that he was cheating on me...guess she didn't appreciate being a cheated on cheater...must've shattered her illusion that she was somebody special.