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Jul 2020
thirty miles is far to go these days
my calculations say i may walk 4 miles
each time, each day, unless i go twice
then it is doubled of course

so the rain came after i had cleared
from the hedge destruction

sorted the twigs

i find for each ladder
i like the same twigs
as he did

the hedge became another one in the collection
in this much longer sentence without pausing

there were two new horses in the field so i talked
to them and held out a finger, thought of louis

you will not remember him yet he was kind and
went down and the fence went down with him

they took him away

i think of him still

so the house by there belongs to a shepherd
and he done it up nice james

i remember it empy for years and us peering
through the windows imagining the history

pugh’s farm i hear

good to get out these days james
out in the air

i think of you sailing through with added power
and eternal connections
Sonja Benskin Mesher
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