I thought I saw you smile beneath the face mask of cottony clouds hovering just below your scarred forehead. The distance made your tall trees dark green and miniature but their caring crowns I'm sure were waving hellos to me - "Come and visit us beshie!"
Yes Best Friend! To go up and see you has been a desire so ardent It's been a long, long while . . . To touch the earth, to be kissed by the sun, to be blessed by drizzle or dew or even the sweet *** of plant lice they all are old friends, always good as new.
When cicadas serenade, as birds played their fiddles and crickets chirp and little tree frogs tweet, the butterflies do their pirouettes and pax de deus some even skip or strut to chorus lines of blue, and all skinks silently watch in awe.
The fallen leaves are now a thick carpet. The tiger leeches miss their regular blood donors. The big-jawed ants patrol the trails but see no intruders, as termite workers and roaches do their routines among the fallen logs. Life goes on there.
I wish I could bathe my spirit again in your clean, virus-free air.
beshie - recently popular generic nickname for best friend