I've learnt that I crave freedom like it's fuel To power my mind, my heart, my bloodstream but I've also learnt that to be free is to be wholly unafraid It's day eighteen of my living out in the wilderness but I still haven't once stayed out alone in the dark Although I might appear free to you With only the few items in my charcoal gregory backpack Climbing up to the summits and down again Sitting naked by the ponds and chasing the sunsets Lost in thought as I walk the length of the trail Internally, I am swarming with fear but tonight as the sky darkens and the trees fold over my head and I hear only the chirping of the birds The little pattering of the chipmunks and the cuspy winds I refuse to be afraid of the dark No, I won't crawl right into my tent and wait for morning No, I'll stay here in the wild And oscillate between stillness and dancing Under the vastness of the night sky Warming myself in just my orange sleeping bag Because I know that my freedom is born only once my fear dies And so tonight I am being born again Under the stars Alone and unafraid Tonight, right now I am letting the fear die out Just a little Just enough For me to be born free again