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Jun 2013
The sound of this drizzling rain against the rooftops is enough to make me drift away...
Even with my eyes wide open I can feel myself sinking into a beautiful hypnosis.

I want to stay in this moment for as long as possible.
The infinite feeling of peace brings tears to the brim of my eyes.

As the drops run down the windshield, the outside world becomes a blur...
The way things are mirrored in water after throwing a rock in the center of the pool.

The obscured landscape is no less gorgeous with this imperfection.
The same as you....

For beauty is no less beautiful when skewed.
Just not as easy to recognize.

It may require you dig below the surface to see it.
But just under skin still lingers there.

These droplets keep calling my name.
Asking that I stand and let them fall over me delicately.

Feeling the cool sky crash down upon my lips..
Weighing down my hair and clothes...
this is the weight of the world.

Falling into the lake at which I am sitting....
The ripples...spreading out and dissipating,and I am the only witness.

Now the sky has become one with the earth it has fallen over,
and a part of the moisture held within my skin, *a part of me...
Samantha Page
Written by
Samantha Page  NC
   --- and Broken puzzle pieces
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