From what everything once was, To what everything is now.
Prickles from baby plant talons, Paper cuts with a hint of sting Under skin, now paper thin, ESP now inevitably seen. Warmth from lost souls, Misery loves company, They always have to leave, Collectable core memories.
Electricity and water Lessen the resistivity, Flow over scars as tar feathered, Healing as they go, As they glow. Stalemate black and white affection, Gloves off, butterfly acceptance, Just let it bee... Naked flame of you and me.
Calm water mirror reflections, No stones thrown today, Ripples stay in past skims of stones In other streams, perhaps dreams. For the now, in this small present, Give cheese to the skies, Relect from far away clouds and stars To reserved hearts.
From what everything is now, To what everything will be.
Refecting. Right now. Snapshot. Tomorrow is in an hour.