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Jun 2013
I can’t sit still,
Pacing round and round,
Feeling like running,
Mind slipping from one thought to another,
Can’t focus unless I’m distracted—
Does that make sense?
Too distracted—no focus now,
No control,
Now I’m ashamed,
Too many things to say,
Too little time,
Forgetting the simplest things
Within seconds.
“Why did I come here again?”
Oh, now I remember.
Never mind, it’s gone.

Still and silent,
My face a calm mask,
Stript of all personality.
Nothing to say,
No urgency to do
Do what I’m told,
Have to stay on task,
Pay attention,
Can’t risk a slip,
No time for distractions now,
The medicine won’t allow

Go to school,
No appetite,
Restlessness rising in the afternoon,
Do homework,
Go to bed,
Next morning,
Swallow the pills,
Start all over again.

Does anyone else feel this way?
My story of dealing with ADHD, focusing on the dual aspect of it: without the medicine, versus with the medicine. (No, it's not a drug abuse story.)
Rosalind Hawkins
Written by
Rosalind Hawkins  America
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