Every morning I wake in pain but some place in the depths of time your memory eased the strain.
Our lives together faded with the passing rain, you became the gray clouds over the oceans that downs the love we once had.
Your betrayal broke the dream we were supposed to be free as two birds flying high above the sea breeze.
You lost yourself while I found myself, you never noticed I was always waiting for you to come to the surface.
I held my breath, when you should have been holding my hand instead.
You left me adrift upon your endless seas of blues and greens, there I found the truth the deeper parts of me , I learned to love myself and accept everything.
Beyond the surface of the dream I once was adrift amongst the dead seas you cursed with your endless push.
Love left me to drown in its depths of darkness and chaotic waves.
Love left me abused and in pain, without remorse or apology.