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Jul 2020
You say you want to make the World a better place
When the real problem is looking you in the face
Righteousness was never so wrong
Idealistic views, convictions so strong

Transforming humanity
Through the vision of your insanity
Justifying Change with your unarguable fallacy
You seem to do more harm than good
Oblivious dogmatic Robin Hood

Forever redeeming your committed cause
Seeming to ignore all character flaws
How frustrating your blind justice is
Defending the ones perpetrating
Why can’t you tell there’s something amiss?
Has naivety clouded clear thinking?

Out of focus clarity
Hocus-Pocus charity
Choking us with your highfalutin calamity

You say you want to make the World a better place
But people like you leave a bad aftertaste
Forever benevolent saboteur
Box clever pestilent do-gooder
Darrell Howland
Written by
Darrell Howland  46/M/London
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