I am the Audience. I write to hear what I have to say. This jumble of verbs and adjectives, this conglomeration of images is my body.
These warts and crevices, the pocks of my life roll up into words. I copy them in the winter and I write with them in the long summer mornings.
But you, you predate my vocabulary. And I say to myself you Are. I make you from the letters of experience.
How else to tell the world, and I must tell the world, that I exist, that you live. You are the noun. I write to keep myself formed into the story we made. You are the Subject of this safari through my bones and I am the Author.
My pen spills, a diary of tight lighting firing through the ink. I write to say you exist.
I scribe this plot thralled Gothic romance. The story is always the same.
You, you are alive somewhere in the world of words I create.