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Jun 2013
Woke up
In the morning
The skies looked gray.
I didn’t trust myself
To keep smiling
Or to keep
From crying

That day

I didn’t feel
Like going
I didn’t feel
Like meeting
I didn’t feel
Like doing

That day

We were trudging around
Like lost souls
Under the hot
Our friendly greetings
By many

That day

When all seemed
Our legs weary
Having walked
For miles
Our feet hurting
From standing
For hours
And our cheeks aching
From grinning
And speaking

That day

We all but started
Our little
A tiny verse
A laughable one
And that little
Piped our spirits
Just for a little
To keep us going

That day

At the end
Of that day
I looked up
To find that the skies
Have turned
And I’ve got to
Hand it over to you two.
If not for a while
You turned my smile
Into a real one

**That day
Hehe... And thanks for keeping your spirits up guys!  ^^ (And thanks for the hug.. (:  )
In case, you're wondering, the song goes like this (and I'll probably get killed for putting it here, but oh well. XD It's sung to the chorus part of Love is Easy):

"If this is love
Donate some money
It's the easiest thing to do
Give five bucks
And get a keychain
And we'll sing and dance just for you
A simple donation
Makes a big difference
For someone in need
Is this is love, love, love
Ooh it's the easiest thing to do"

It really made my day. ^^ hope it'll cheer anyone who's reading this little verse, even if it's just a little.  :)
X the unknown variable
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