My first relationship There’s was so much promise That never kept I got smart I got out that relationship I couldn’t take it anymore Yes, I have a lot of patients But I’m not stupid either That I do see things Before he say anything. I let that relationship Because I was falling for someone else I gave it a chance After of all He got silent Push me away Lied to me It’s just another old one Was repeating it self Now I’m in silent I don’t talk to that person Because I know deepest my heart It’s all a game to them I put everything that happened to me Learned to just close my heart In the end of the day I am who I am Good woman with Nice souls Loving, caring and Royal to myself I like awaking up each morning With a smile on my face Always thinking something Positive to start my day I don’t hate peoples I just don’t like what they Do There’s people who Like to ruin other people life’s Because they are not Happy themselves There’s people who Make bad decisions All does time They doing it Is finally catching up with them They end up Losing someone they love Karma works in Many ways