I had ended up in a country with a strange pub culture and obsession with the class which I found restrictive. No posh pubs if the working class and not slumming it if you were middle class, and the rich lived in Bermuda. I was full of terror and uncertainty this world was not of my liking to get through the day I drank a lot mainly at home or in the park. My new wife said I was an alcoholic and a nice man from AA came and took me to a meeting where people sat around a table talking about themselves and how much they had suffered, while I am just getting out, was a full of the terror of agoraphobia. I suddenly had many friends, but they were mates only as long as I went to their meeting, that over time became repetitive like reading the same book a hundred times. I stopped going to their gatherings went to the library instead and spent happy days reading, but lost my friends. Finally, after a nervous breakdown, I got much help from a psychologist to confront my fears. But I was never at ease in this country I left and is blessed in Portugal where no one knows my name.