He came like the opening of the clouds to the morning sun, Giving away smiles as he swept through town, Ours was a quiet town, not many joy, but he never knew silence
He danced through the doorways, stores and parks, Leaving new sounds we had never heard before, He was a force people were drawn to, Weaving on their hearts flowery beautiful words
At first I was not into all he brought, he had fooled them, but I was smarter, Like he knew what I was thinking, he waltzed to me, Lifted those bent lips and smiled at me, Before he said a word I had fallen for him
As I write down my thoughts outside my porch, many years have gone by, But I could never dim the fire he lit up in my heart, It had shaken me from the slumber I called my life, He never told me his name, But I always had the lingering feeling that his name was Hope.