If it is wrong after a child turns a certain age, then why is it ok in the first place If it is wrong for the law to use on a criminal why is it right for a parent to use on a child, they say spare the rod spoil the child, I say spare the rod and spare the bad relationship with your children I say spare the rod spare the decrease of grey matter in your Kids brain I say spare the rod spare the higher chance of alcoholism as an adult
Parent should be associated with comfort not fear discipline should be associated with correction not pain and spare the rod spoil the child is ******* It’s is not eve a verse from the Bible
And yes I am biased mom because according to my sister you started physical punishment at the ripe old age of 6 months old and continued until I was almost thirteen
Ever since I can remember I have been afraid of you and I cannot come to believe that is my anxiety’s fault because all anxiety has some truth to it
I still remember when my little sister had temper tantrums you would send her to her room and spank her every hour until she stopped crying and I recently talked to her and she does not remember it her brain blocked it out and yes it was not a deadly beating but it still hurt her, and that hurts me
And I do not blame you I do not blame me I blame this messed up system of our government and religion that tells people it is ok to hit a child but not another adult because hitting an adult will send you to jail but hitting a child In the name of discipline is praised I have more to say, but I don’t have all day