Every cell in my body trembles with anticipation as the curandero croons ayy ooo wah hee…. ….time to come and see me… as my stomach settles from the purge of the exlixir of the vine of the soul I have dared myself to drink as my limbs begin to vibrate as I am seized by the hair lifted right up off the ground in the arms of great angels who look like alien jaguar dancers with huge luminescent eyes and funny hats who live in the emerald jungle where the concoction I took grows entwined with my desperate hope that this isn’t a scam that there really is another world or maybe galaxies too but then I realize I’m so far away from home I know I’ll never get back because I see him up ahead it’s God with his hair gloriously ablaze sitting on a grand throne at the end of a great stone road like the Roman’s Appian Way suspended in pulsing interstellar space and there is a line of people stretching for light years all hoping for a sustainable miracle all holding tickets to see him and each one walks up to him heads bowed and he caresses their hair and he says I love you but really, I just work here.