the lazy fool walks slowly along the path one hand rests comfortable on the instrument of his own sense of sensibility but its feared by all behold him and his carnival of tricksters
my dream walk along the sand and she sings a small tune she knows so well one that leaves stains on the soul like the trademarks of obscene merchants its a destiny that cavorts along the easiest line path of least resistance but denying her was never in my strong suite it always leads to madness but that's least of my worries on this thick summer night
drunk with possibility's the lazy fool chases us thru the tidal basin and into the passionless woods where lovers get lost among the plagiarism of their hearts and the thieves of the tender my dream spends her days rescuing the misbegotten from that forest of misfortune
no time to waste on this fool we disarm him of his his instruments he cannot manipulate the past as easy as he dose with the future and we all see finally that hes the same one we elected last year and all the years behind that we have suffered time to find salvation in sending him packing
so leaving all the lovers to their own mercy the fool will be forsaken and we can have some peace at last