I am lifted above my monsters away from the voices and temptations up above all things dark lonely triggering. with letters on a keyboard trying to put my state into carefully organized words though this isn't really what I truly wanted while now I am in a cloud of glowing white I wanted to go down and sink into the earth into its crust to shake hands with the devil. I wave at my monsters from above and while I know my gut misses them and so does my heart my brain is clawing at my mind telling me that I shouldn't miss them because then you'll be normal and stop stressing them all out like they told us 'just be happy' funny how the only thing that could make me happy-ish is a puff of a sweet herb or a snort of cloud powder funny. for now ill stay in my cloud a little bubble of feeling almost whole for a while before the pull back to reality is too touch for the big M to battle but it will be fine because It's there waiting for me to step back into its dark embrace and succumb to my own demons.