Confessional. Open up let's examine truth. For two seconds. I'd move heaven And the planets. To have that with you You don't have a clue. But you actually do. And thats where plans I've made Might stand a chance Of fruition... plants that actually bloom And can come true. While my innerchild retreats. I see my dreams like Saturn's moon. Revolving around a planet. Based on all your talent And the love I have for you....
Do you ever see a wishing star. And imagine you already have it. Can't be death without Destiny. If God played a hand in planning. So I sift through sands On the beach of madness. With an hour glass in my right And a map to becoming Stan fan Number one with out the current traffic. Get it... current traffic. Slur my words. Thank God I **** left handed. *** its taking so long My hour glass is like a fertile birth of sand pit.