I've been here for a few years now, leaning back into the wall and waiting for my train. Six years. I've waited six years and not realized until just last year that my train isn't coming. It never will.
I remember the day we arrived. Joyful. Hopeful. Eager for an adventure and ready to leave this God-forsaken town. June 10, 2007, we arrived: clueless.
The first person passed eight months later, February 15, 2008. She has slumped to the ground now. . . nothing more than a pile of disintegrating bones. August 12, 2008-- the second person died. Now he, or what remains of him, occupies the darkest, shadowed corner.
One by one, my fellow travelers passed with no warning or sign. Each body is in a different state of decomposition, bearing an individual horror story that will never be heard. There is no one to hear it.
With each passing dawn, I prepare myself for death; as each day breaks, I'm perpetually surprised that my eyes open again. The only thing left to do now is wait -- Wait for my impending death, Wait to tell the stories of these surrounding skeletons, And wait for a train that will never arrive.
This is a piece for my portfolio. The assignment was to be inspired by one of Laurie Lipton's pieces, and they're all dark. This is the piece that I used: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GApOMzPtAhA/Tb-c3pZkXhI/AAAAAAABDaE/dCcJj8zzOZc/s1600/Laurie-Lipton-arts-15.jpg