what's the only real difference between a race-baiter... and a racist? the former... is... inclined to feel... morally... suprior... to the latter... of his own: biased inclination... to stage... comparative: review... point-systems of "adventure"... well... "adventure" i.e. the scaffold... the lynch... and mob... and... the white... "*******": kneel! tom! pardon! miss. suffragette... never saw... a jacky-ol-boy... ever... ah'comin! did... yay?! jack says: ripper-common-*****-pay-up! a bad bad joke: somehow... also a choke... of... two at church... one... in... public? how about... knee-capping?! frankly... frankly?! race-baiters are as bad as racists! race-horses i callz 'em! best curtain-blinded! straight edge! up a furlong short of a mile! all are supposedly donning a cwown!