My horse and I were riding the fence line just as my boss ordered me to do, he said “there’s a tear in the fence line somewhere out there we are losing our cattle I need you to find the tear and mend it be on your way . Then get back here I have more chores for you to do” that was two days ago and still no sign of any tear. My horse is hungry as well as I, and we both could use some water we are so dry. We ride some more tired and sore, still no sign of any tear. Then I see something ahead we walk up to what we saw there is an old man sitting on a bale of hay alongside the fence line we have followed for days. I said old man is you lost or something. There is nothing here for miles away so may I ask why are you sitting on a bale of hay? I asked the old man, with that hay that you are sitting on may I give some to my horse he is very hungry, and could kindly use something to eat? The old man said, “Son, yes you may. I then said I am somewhat hungry in addition, would you by chance have some jerky to chew. The old man then replied back saying “ son I have better coming your way stay here a bit rest there’s buffalo heading your way , but warning there’s a white buffalo behind the one you are to shoot don’t shoot the white one, let him come to a rest before you take your shot. Then the old man got up and walked away, and then he disappeared just like that. Sure enough just as the old man said the buffalo and the white one arrives I was amazed, I have heard stories about this animal but I never once thought I would ever live to see it. I let it come to rest as I raised my rifle to shoot the buffalo just ahead of the white one. I took my shot just then the white buffalo started walking towards me and as it was walking it was changing when it came to where I was standing it was the old man and there before us was a table as far as you could see of food and drink. For that was the day my horse and I had died and we were standing at Heavens grace