as I arise from slumber with memories of such a day I cannot help but blush at the pigments of color and beauty that painted the memories of yesterday.
just a few friends beneath the spring's glow driving, cruising through a washed up city, one I used to call my home. racing down the roads, the adrenaline pushing me back into my seat, despite the uncertainty in my heart, I felt so free like the little songbirds that leave their trees.
it felt rebellious, simply wonderful to be away from the cornered walls that kept me confined and once reunited with the stars that leave me fluttered and entwined in the concept of love.
in its touch and warm embrace I felt as though I could make it through the darkness of every day that I'd face for a simple kiss sealed my heart for eternity friendship, secured my smile for moments to come beneath the springtime sun and its enriching sun-kissed memories.
never will I forget those that bring their paintbrushes, their exotic colors. they contribute to the beauty, the bliss of such a perfect day. each stroke compliments their shine, their canvas the warmth of the day. imaginations run wild, laughter fun and the simple pleasures to be around those who make you smile.
I lie awake in bed, drifting off to sleep in the middle of the night, free from uncertainty wrapped in the warmest of blankets entangled by sun-kissed memories.