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Jun 2013
my brain feels different.
not just today
i think every day....
some days i dont hear the buzzing.
so much.
other days it;s like
it wont stop SCREAMING.
i see words fly past my eyes
half finished thoughts
just whip right by...
i reach for them
you know, id love to finish what
i started
but they just slip from my fingers
and dive back
below the surface. my thoughts, they like
to torment me.
i know what you;re thinking..
why dont you just dip your hand in the water and
grab the silvery fish?
i would but
the water scares me.
it's so dark underneath the glassy surface..
i feel like when i retract
my hand it will
be dripping ice cold sticky blood. tar.
so you see, that;s why
i just let them go. the fish,
they know how to survive down there. in the darkness.
i certainly do not.
wait, but why am i talking about fish now?
one thing to the next. so fast.
do you think my brain is different today?
Jannelle Anderson
Written by
Jannelle Anderson
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