i could not not, succumb to the taoist meditation early on life... it's probably the only maxim i live by... somehow the basic and hardest to strive "against": rather with... kant gave a "cipher": the categorical imperative... i.e. all is true or nothing is true... sieve through: the cipher narrative with a decipher diadem... but kant didn't exactly leave a maxim to live by... not taoist by any demands... i instruct myself to mind tao because... it's the crux to differentiate... the philanthropist from from the misanthrope... the taoist maxim sits... thus sentenced, as: the only way to aid the world... is for you to forget the world... and for the world to forget you... which is... i find... an elevation of what heidegger's dasein implies... common geometry fool's gold of words... be-ing "contra" be-coming... here i welcome... a new season: the flu season... if this was to happen... every, single, year... and not as this... one-off... the philanthropist "versus" the mistanthrope... on a canvas of tao... meddling in human affairs and meddling in none of one's own... bothersome... but unless... it's... "sieving" 2 tonnes of soil... and laying around 12sqm of wembley turf... to accomplish a sellers' garden... but i still cling to the maxim... the best way one can aid the world... is for the world to forget you... and for you: to forget the world... pockets of dasein do conjure themselves up... spontaneously... like mushrooms... in pockets of the days to pass and the events within... them... but kant didn't leave a prime vector to enforce his categorical imperative choicest of... phrasings... look nowhere, else... the asiatic corp are glad to write... haikus... a month count: 1... when exercising the mind... drunk... feeding the moon their eyesight... hardly a reason to acquire a definite meaning of the word: misanthropy... in the negative... i very much like to assure myself... that i am not... in any way... infringing on the expression of freedom of someone else: with that... i hope i am assured the same: of not being infringed upon... of course... with a mutually inclusive... sharing of disagreement: that neither of the parties steal or **** from a third party... etc. words are worth **** when it comes to numbers... words and colours? words and mountains? words and... with so many choices... no. 100069 = the noun bee... no. 100200054 = the noun spoon... well... what would be... the first word of a priori man is not even a word: it's the first... consonant-vowel duplex... which had to denote: mother... otherwise: m'ah-m'ah... who would respond to... g'ah-g'ah... b'oh-b'oh? blue-blue?! of note... ga-ga... but... b'oh will probably be conflated with: bow-bow... even with the vowel-catcher H goal... would... an umlaut like a halo 'elp? bö-bö? the "subtle" variation of arithmetic... i.e. pool: pöl... und... poll... blah... blah... perhaps if i was / yes... and were: paid i'd write with... a little bit more... motivation... why then... excruciate myself... over a reality... that... this is all... but... a hobby? hardly a self-defeating question: but at least i can forgo keeping up a falsetto impetus to burn-out. es ist was es ist... it is, what it is... no one paid... for writing this... for reading this... it should be of no consequence to anyone... except... for the party... playing the parody publisher... who are also not... the "except" since... i somehow had to pay... for an internet connection... so... ****'s off the supposed "third party" of... meddling.