I dont know when and I dont know how, But the day will come when you say i am happy and you are certain you mean because you feel at peace deep within the core of your being, where the world stands still for just a moment, as your face lights up and cracks at the seams. Oh how I have missed that smile. The day will come where the boulder heaviness that made residency between your ribs, will fly away like birds let loose from the cages. The day will come when the disturbance you have come to know as love, will no longer be an interruption of your accord but be revealed as stability as your eyes open to the worth you hold. The cacophony inside your head will hush down into a calming stillness. And you will be still. And in all this the day will come where you are no longer a prison inside your own jail of bones, but the queen inside her vessel graced with unfailing warmth and contentment. I dont know when and i dont know how. But I can promise, the day will come, your flame will reignite and your wild fire will burn the whole world of worries, and pains away.