1. the dogs bark louder the people pace more the wind gets wilder
on the third day of curfews the coping gets hard the drive seems longer the outside looks more distant than before we were blanketed by illness
but perhaps sickness has always been there deadlier, reoccurring, cruel if you weren't born with fair skin on the North American continent won over through war, pillaging, enslavement, indoctrination, and more ... where today you can only breathe heavy air the hefty sorrow reigns as we try to cradle the wings of its opposite with bruised calloused hands
2. –something good must come of this something good, there has been too much suffering we pray for "something good" something good must emerge of this
Something good please come of this our whole bodies feel the weight of a breath cut short as we should –separation does not exist
something good must come of this because we are all in this together and it is time we push add our part to the great vision of an equitable world
3. The heavy air makes it hard for your sisters and brothers to breathe toxic sites scattered through the county cardiovascular disease, asthma, and low birth weight babies being placed into the arms of your kin the environment reflects the same sickness steals the same breaths
Thinking about racism in the policing system but also in the environment (environmental racism)