It struck me like a vacuum Out of the love that surrounded me it ****** it all away
I REMEMBERED how your breath felt against
I REMEMBERED how your lips tasted of chap stick (I was never quite sure of what kind)
I REMEMBERED the ice cream swirl of epiphanies brought about by your laugh.
I REMEMBERED "how lucky am I to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard"
I REMEMBERED crying in your arms
I REMEMBERED how we would stay up until ungodly hours speaking of life
I REMEMBERED how you showed me that I could feel. That there wasn't just gray but rather a beautiful, wonderful, colorful swirl of pain and joy and kindness all around us.
I REMEMBERED the joking scoldings when I fell asleep
I REMEMBERED being able to complement you. When I could so "no!!! You don't look weird!!! You look gorgeous!". Then you would awkwardly try to push the complement away
I REMEMBERED how we used to talk. I was always knowing you better
Now: we are stagnant Now: I am gray Now: I am crying
The vacuum of remembrance the only vacuum that gives to take away