Sometimes I'll lose myself Writing up stories. Of females.
Always females.
I can write from a Male perspective, But I'm not comfortable. I'm not in my element and The words don't flow.
These females will have deep Backgrounds, memories of their relatives. Sometimes a privileged one Sometimes one which leads them on their Own personal journey.
Still they will suffer all the same. Something is always stolen It's always concerned with what Great atrocities They will suffer In the great and copious details, Which I provide.
But they will always Find a way They persevere.
Right when they're Just about on the mend I stop writing.
I cannot continue To the point which My readers panic, Perhaps I've died?
No. I have simply ran Out off a track.
It recently dawned on me That my characters Were so real Felt so genuine And oh so guttural
Because each character displayed A small piece of me.