I know if I ever was stripped away from everything that I had in my life.. you would still be here for me. You would help me in many ways and the thought of me having that engraved in my brain.. makes me feel so loved. There are many people who claim they're here for you There are many people who claim they're a shoulder An arm, a leg.. when you might be in need But when the time really comes You sit there begging for help and nobody is around. It's hard living life feeling as if there's no person by your side, and I've been feeling this way for most of my life. But now I have you - No matter what I want you to know that I am here for you I would do just about anything for you, to any extent I'm not just talking about subtle gifts and words - I'm here for you the same way you're here for me Because I care about you You're mine. Always and forever.