turned grievous wounds into weak bee stings so you could see these things in softer shades than me.
I have turned night into day and watched those I love dance and play embraced by beautiful rays while I stay awake in the darker hours.
I have used poetry and levity to elevate strangers above me despite our shared suffering.
I have scoffed at my pain, lay bleeding to death while I stifled tears and dressed pin ****** and paper cuts.
I have felt your sorrow, and put your comfort above my well-being, but now I am seeing that it might not have been the right thing to do,
because you have gotten far too fat and lazy laying in the excrement of your own ignorance.
Though, I have doubted much, I do not doubt this, and I am tired of trying to educate those who no longer wish or have never even desired to be better than the racist redneck men who inspired them to give in to fear and hate.