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Jun 2013
the hint of summer on your breath
is calming still -
it lingers in the air in front of me
follows down the empty halls
fills my room

that sweetness in your voice
is calming still -
the sound rings in my ears
smoothes the ripples of my thoughts
to the rhythm of your heartbeat

and as I breathe in the
clichΓ© of your intoxicating scent
I forget to exhale
because air seems endlessly satisfying
with that shadow of you.

I wake up, surprised
that there's light
outside my window.
The light breeze floats
something of you towards me,
and before my mind breaks
through the haze of the morning,

it's as if you never left.
gabrielle boltz
Written by
gabrielle boltz  wonderland
   Mia and Clarity Amrein
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