She was ready to conquer the world, expecting him beside, But then she realised tide of his trust upon her has dried. She was considered wrong in everything, But how can a queen hurt her King?
She tried to prove everyone wrong everytime, he presumed, And all her efforts to make his family hers was subsumed. She was ready to change all her vice, But can self respect be anything's price?
Definitely, she was fierce and revolting in some matters, But it was not for anyone's bad but her better. She was expected to change all her bads, But why in every duo nothing is expected from lad?
When she is expected to trust, why his emotions can be confined to lust? When she is expected to give every test, why a voice cannot be raised if he is not the best? When he is revered and honored in her family, Why she is not being counted in his family's "WE"?