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May 2020
I’m sorry I hurt you
I should have never done what I did
It hurt me to know that I hurt you
I know you’re over it now, and I am too
But I still can’t get over the fact I hurt you
I’m sorry that I was an idiot
I’m sorry that I was blind to see what I did
I wish I had never even told you
I didn’t even need to tell you
I was never going to go with her
I wish I could take back what I did
I know I told you sorry about a hundred times
I know you forgave me for what I did
I’m glad we’re still good friends
I’m sorry that I did it
But I still am not happy with myself for doing it
I should have never given into the pressure
I never meant to hurt you
I was never even going to do it
I was just pushed to do it
I am so sorry that I hurt you
I will never do it again
Not to you
Not to anyone ever again
I’m sorry
Written by
Dylan's Poetry
       hurtlovebug91 and Fawn
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