Scar tissue. Healing hands. And open wounds. The things of my mortal affliction. To hold on tight. When one should release. I hold with dear passion To be perfection. Until perfection Is chaotic and masterful mayhem. Than its The giving up. For giving sake. And when difference of reality Is a quarrel. A fight with the monsters within. Re.ember My truth is perception of what only I can say I have seen of the world. And my humanly experience. And the differing logics Thoughts. Feelings and beliefs. That I have is smaller Than the truth that binds us all. And my truth has been shared By millions. Of conscious understanding. And only one has universal truth That is he the all knowing So why would I want my perception be at quams with yours. I am not eternal But he is!!!! The Connectivity to Each person. Sharing a version of themselves For someone else to discover. To interpret. To love. In a never ending sequence of Souls uniting. Seeing. Being. And living Through space and time. In color. Prayer. And shared in peace