I was not born to love you our initials are not etched into an eternal tree my blood is not fermented with your name and the curtain of the sky does not pull back to reveal
you and i under a spotlight, on a stage this, i am sure of i was not born to love you.
i was not conceived to listen to your breath as it falls against my chest nor to end up on that rooftop shivering not from the cold but from the way your skin felt on my fingertips.
i was not made to stay up and listen to the crackle of the phone line as you draw a heavy breath across the screen.
we are not eternal lovers declared by the stars but that does not mean i love you any less
for i have chosen to love you it was not fate but the patterns of your speech the persistence of your heart
nobody, not the universe could predict for i was not born to love you
and yet how fervent how coincidental how gentle it is that i do.