If the good die young Then I’ll die old My stress is so high strung And my heart is so cold The sad song I sing Has nothing on the pain I bring Lively on the outside But on the inside Its genocide Everything is dead Sent to permanent bed People walking around But they have no heads The land is vast, empty and depleted My heart is everything but completed The disease I have is so rare One hand shake It’s all down hill from there Your life I'll break My sorrow is everything but fake Everyday my broken heart is at stake My emotions flow Like a placid lake With water so deep No one understands So to my self I keep When I fall No one lends helping hands Everyone just stands In a circle around As I lay helpless on the ground They don’t care They all just stare My heart is empty Nothing is there My soul matches It too is bare Blessed with this curse Man life isn't fair I’ll die first This disease is too rare To claim anymore lives than my own This is all set in stone As I sit on that hill weeping alone