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Jun 2013
A baby girl it was
It is
Anticipated this scream about 40 weeks ago
Her scream
And her scream
They both scream
Then his knees, his heart , his eyes
What a disguise
His scream stays inside
We're glad she didn't stay inside
05/23 it was meant to be
Around 7 o clock
Mommas nerves was shot
She had to carry , *****, lose sleep, push , bleed ... Breathe breathe!! Wear and tear but it's all fair once we saw her hair; she's almost here
Oh dear
More fear
Oh dear are those tears?
Once revealed the entire room's mood healed
And she just yelled at us as we welcomed her into her new world
Yep she's a girl
As the man cuts the cord
Everyone is trying to figure out who donated her curls; her hair
Only thing we can do is stare
And match her face all over the place
Connect her traits
To mommy and daddy
Through all this fight they still remain happy
She's just adorable as she can be
Adorable as they let her
I wonder did daddy see this inside mommy when he first met her?
A diamond coming out the rough
Now first hand we all understand that 10 centimeters is all of our 10 million dollars; well spent
Right there ******* the nurses thumb
Ohhhhh that's too cute I'm done
Naaaawwww but she really did almost make me cry
**** you Sa'Rai
They no longer think I'm the tough guy!
Sigh ...
A girl and her name is Sa'Rai
And God was so right
He brought forward life
Kayla invested all of her might
You go Kayla !!
Sorry for cheering while you was weary

But Sa'Rai is just so dearly
She keeps me at peace
My first niece

All mighty
Little Sa'Rai Riley
Damaré M
Written by
Damaré M  Richmond , Ca
(Richmond , Ca)   
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