You came out of no where I hadn't been searching for someone like your Nor did it ever cross my mind you'd become such a big part of my life Because of that I'm forever changed, but it's far from all good
I met you during a dark time Where liars, thieves and users waited in the wings I didn't expect much from you, but the more we saw each other the more we started to grow I'd found a friendship that I wasn't even looking for, of thought existed at this point
You were clean, honest and fun The stories you shared we're real In some I could physically feel your pain But, a smile forever on your face to keep pushing forward I found it refreshing
I found myself trying to think like you Seek guidance from you and tell you things but then see them through your eyes I never thought you could tell a lie You always seemed so blunt, so real Honesty that I yearned for after being lied to so many times Even when things felt shaky I forced myself to believe you told no lies At least to me A best friend, my best friend even with my demons...
But, we know that just isn't true You aren't even honest with yourself You're everything to everyone Make promises with no intend to keep, oh and endless excuses falling at my feet You're a fake No where near the sophisticated and nature vibe you try to put out there You may not be as bad as them, but your ability to feel you never need to own anything has taken its toll on me You've taken you're toll on me
I don't want this to be the outcome I hate to think of you as one of them Knowing my heart was fragil but having toyed with anyway It will break me to lose trust in another friend Especially, one whose seen me on my darkest of days
Can we fix it? Are there things I'm not understanding to lead me to feel so betrayed? Am I over reacting to situations between us? I know I can be as stubborn as a brick wall And spiteful on purpose.. But only when I feel threatened do these claws come out The more I think The worse it gets...
If we don't talk soon, it'll all explode in my head and there won't be anything left Just ashes of a bridge burned Because, you also don't like to budge or admit fault and accept blame, no matter how balatant it is
I found you on accident A kinda best friend I never thought I'd have Am I going to lose you with no fight? Only tears shed?? I can only ask and reach out so many time before it becomes a game
A game of tag I'm always it Always chasing love and acceptance You weren't supposed to be the way I don't want to play but if we must......