As I was looking up above the glimmer of the sky, I am thinking of what the sky has thought of me Do we ask ourselves similar questions; and yet we discover our answers differently? This void is yet to be filled. Each stare knows no boundary. I sent him confusions, he replied doubts. I am here; and so is he we both knew the colors of the seas; their varieties. We listen but tired of the birds’ screech As if we want to get rid of it but we choose to listen still Learning that there’s beauty behind those cries. We both knew what laughter sounds like; how these giggles can possibly turn into sorrow. We knew God’s power, His might and how He can turn our sorrows back into giggles. We breathe the same air We experience its humid, its coolness. We endure common despairs the pain, the angst. We know what’s more, what’s less
But still, here we are; exchanging uncertainties. Hoping that he asks himself the same question I am asking myself Yet deep down my soul, I know we both exist differently; because as I was looking up above the glimmer of the sky, I am thinking of what the sky has thought of me Perhaps, he wants to be here as much as I want to be up there. Why am I here? Why is he there?
To unfold truths? To laugh; to cry? To share curiosities? To love; to value mankind? To live; or