I’m here in my cozy home With my silly dog who makes me laugh Waiting for the world to go back to normal But who am I kidding? I haven’t taken this seriously This is a pandemic The world doesn’t simply go back to normal after this There is no set end date to this People are dying, The world is slowing down, The skies are clearing of pollution We have to stop Stop everything None of it has been working Stay in, And turn inward Reassess And right our wrongs The way we have wronged this earth, ourselves, others Reconsider The way our go getter culture has been maladaptive to us, To those we care for, to our life Reconnect To ourselves, to old friends over video chat, to the simple things Take notice Of what’s important Cut out what’s not Return to our heart Remember how precarious life can be So out of our control All we can do is simply be grateful for it all Be grateful for the people and things we cherish Let these things impact us so deeply that our love for them resounds within us Relish the simple pleasures Grow in the peaceful, ever expanding silence of spiritual surrender Let go Let go Let go Forgive others And forgive ourselves Life’s too short to keep holding onto grudges They didn’t mean to hurt you It’s okay to let go now The world will never return to normal But the normal we were adhering to before wasn’t quite working anymore So relinquish the old normal To build the new A life of being centered, connected, and living from love Stay in, And recreate the person you want to be in this novel world coming into form.