I shatter the glass Release the storm I don’t want to hold it in anymore
I’m tired of faking my happiness Tired of swallowing my pride Tired of being abused, used
There is not another tear I can shed in secret There is not another heartbreak that I grieve unseen I shall release my darkness and let my demons scream Before I succumb and become numb Before I let my torturers get away Even for just a moment, just a second I shatter the world and paint it black and gray
Day 30 of the 30 day writing challenge. This is the last day of the challenge thank you all for putting up with me!
Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
I tend to release my emotions, especially anger, in a pretty rough ways. After bottling these emotions up, I tend to explode and say things that I regret. I jump to conclusions, I scream, I cry and I lash out. It isn't really a great way to deal with the emotion and I am sometimes afraid of this side of me.