this morning, i've sat down and tried to recall memories. memories that i could write about. and nothing significant comes to mind. just the same childhood television, the feeling of sand between my toes at that beach i went to a long time ago. years of collecting every letter i've got, then in a moment letting it all go. not missing the things i thought were important, while i was homeless. kisses on terraces. a resort we went to a lot on school vacations. central park. a korean restaurant that i kept going to for the big, floral coffee mugs. the consuming thought of wanting to run away. the happiness jar full of folded pieces of paper. having tea with a sweet man after his meditation in the morning at my apartment. having tea with a warm girl after her cigarette in the morning at my apartment. a tray of teacups on an airbnb bed, and friends around it. crying in the shower. hurting my neck from laughing so much. sitting on the floor. sitting at a table at sunset. sitting at a quiet balcony at dusk. sitting near a sea at dawn. sitting on the steps to a kitchen garden. sitting at an empty restaurant. sitting, scared in silence after loud screaming. sitting, bored at a crowded event where i couldn't hear myself.